
Highest Quality Multi-Lingual Cantonese Voicebot & Chatbot

[語音機械人, 語音機器人]

Best and highest quality Voicebot and Voice Chatbot in Hong Kong

Powered by award-winning InfoTalk-RSVP, InfoTalk-Voicebot is a pioneering AI voice solution that answers the demand of the rapidly changing market today.  It is a type of chatbot that works by the voice.  The user speaks to the Voicebot instead of typing and listens to the Voicebot instead of reading texts.  It is perfect for hands-busy and eyes-busy environments or when people are tired of typing and reading texts.  InfoTalk-Voicebot is ideal for multilingual environments such as Hong Kong, where Cantonese, English, and Putonghua are the most commonly-spoken languages [廣東話, 港式粵語, 普通話, 中文, 英語].

Equipped with natural language understanding and processing capabilities, InfoTalk-Voicebot is also used to enable the user to navigate an interactive voice response (IVR) system with their voice.  It is perfect for the automation of smart and innovative call centers in a wide variety of industries, such as banking, finance, e-commerce, transportation, logistics, smart governments, and smart cities.

Major Features

Cantonese, Putonghua Chinese, English [廣東話, 香港粵語, 普通話, 中文]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Inside:
InfoTalk-RSVP: Seamless integration of speech, voice, and language technologies. InfoTalk-Recognizer for speech recognition (ASR), InfoTalk-Speaker for text-to-speech (TTS), InfoTalk-Vbrowser for IVR, and InfoTalk-Processor for natural language understanding and processing (NLP) and (NLU).

Rapid Deployment:
Industry-Standard Compliance. Phone Networks and Data Networks.

Privacy & Flexibility:
On-Premises and/or Cloud. Out-of-the-Box and/or Customization.

InfoTalk welcomes partnerships with developers to speech-enable chatbots and IVRS.

multilingual voicebot and voice chatbot in Cantonese, Putonghua, and English for multicultural environments


#1 Multilingual and Mixed-lingual Technology for Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech-to-Text [ASR, STT, 語音轉文字]. Best Cantonese ASR and STT of the Highest Professional Quality [廣東話, 香港粵語].

#1 Multilingual and Mixed-lingual Technology for Text-to-Speech [TTS, 文字轉語音]. World’s Best and Highest-Quality Cantonese TTS of Human Professional Quality [廣東話, 香港粵語].

#1 Industry-Standard Technology for Intelligent Interactive Voice Response (IVR and IIVR) Systems. Ideal for Integrating with ASR, STT, TTS, NLP, and NLU.

#1 Multilingual and Mixed-lingual Technology for Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding [NLP, NLU, 自然語言理解, 自然語言處理]. Best Voice-Enabled Cantonese NLP and NLU [廣東話, 香港粵語].

InfoTalk Recognizer (ASR/Speech Recognition), InfoTalk Speaker (TTS/Text-to-Speech), InfoTalk Vbrowser (IVR/Interactive Voice Response), InfoTalk-Processor (NLP/Natural Language Processing).
InfoTalk Solutions include Speech Analytics, Ai Virtual Receptionist, Voicebot and Chatbot


A breakthrough speech analytics solution that processes and analyzes voice conversations in call centers and contact centers, producing text transcripts for further analyses, natural language processing, and executive decisions.

An innovative automation solution that answers the high demand of the business world today. Engineered to answer common questions, it is an automatic AI-Receptionist powered by speech and language technologies.

A pioneering AI chatbot that works by the voice.  The user speaks to the Voicebot instead of typing and listens to the Voicebot instead of reading.  It is a voice chatbot seamlessly developed for hands-busy and eyes-busy situations or when people are tired of typing and reading texts.

Other Solutions:
Contact InfoTalk to learn about its myriad speech and language solutions.

We serve in 5 different locations in Asia; Hong Kong, North China, South China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia. Contact us with your project in mind

Company Locations